Our purpose as Christians is to align our lives with Jesus Christ. That is also the purpose of the tips, tools and techniques I have developed. By better understanding our Lord and Savior, we can become more like him.
We can do this in several ways, but the usual and proven way is by reading and studying our scriptures. That’s why God gave them to us—to help us know God and Jesus Christ.
Beginning in 1984, I developed this unique system of scripture study. Since then, over 103,000 people have benefited by using this unusual system!
My underlying theme to all of this work is found in the counsel of Peter the Apostle “…be ready always to give an answer…” (1 Peter 3:15).The more we know the more we can share. Click here and give your suggestions or improvements to any of our products or services.
I hope these products help you in your personal quest.