At this time of year our thoughts turn to our country, the soldiers that have served her, and the freedoms we enjoy. There are thousands of stories that bring tears to our eyes and gratitude to our hearts for those who have given us all we have – heroes.
My thoughts and prayers are first for those serving in the military now, and of course, their families. Though we do not always agree as citizens of this great nation, the desire for freedom and a willingness to sacrifice for the greater good has kept our country strong and together. We must remember this in the days ahead.
Next, it is only appropriate to show gratitude to those who built what we enjoy today. For those who belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, this includes the pilgrims of our land and the pioneers of our religion. In both instances, their suffering and martyrdom has assured our quality of life.
I find it interesting that the fight for freedom is often fueled by the desire to worship God as followers of Christ. The fathers of our country dared to fight against tyranny and die so they could worship God freely. Our ancestors endured unspeakable hardships to bring Christ’s Gospel to their children.
Look to Captain Moroni as an example Alma 43:48. He was devoted to his God and the freedom of his country. And he inspired thousands to stand next to him in defense of both.
Last of all, I’d like to mention one of my personal hero’s. His gentle nature and Christian kindness was evident to everyone he met. This man quietly served his country, state, city and family. He was required to see and do things offensive to his soul in protection of his country and those he loved. Despite his experiences, he continued to gently love and serve throughout his life. His name was Mark Lowe Theurer. He is my grandfather. This scripture reminds me of him. Alma 60:36 “Behold, I am Moroni, your chief captain. I seek not for power, but to pull it down. I seek not for honor of the world, but for the glory of my God, and the freedom and welfare of my country.”

Mark Lowe Theurer

Theurer's Grocery store
~ Tiffany Birrell